Voted Best Florist in Atlanta - Carithers Flowers

Carithers Flowers Atlanta

Carithers Flowers Atlanta

Posted by Charles Carithers on November 22, 2015 Uncategorized

Thanksgiving Festivities in Atlanta

c7There are many fun, family-oriented events planned for the Thanksgiving holiday season.

The first is the tree lighting in Lenox Square on Sunday, November 22nd at the Macy’s Department Store.

The festivities begin at 6pm with live music followed by the rooftop tree lighting at 7pm. After the tree lighting, there will be a fireworks display set to music.c6

On Thanksgiving Day, you can participate in the 2015 Atlanta Half Marathon and Thanksgiving Day 5K.

Organized by the Atlanta Track Club, this event has become a Thanksgiving Day tradition with thousands of runners and volunteers.

This rain or shine event is one of the most popular events in Atlanta during the Thanksgiving holiday.

For the younger set, there is the 50m dash for ages six and under.

This starts at 9:15am. Ages seven and up can participate in the one-mile race, which starts at 9:30.

The half marathon is open to ages 14 and up and that starts at 7:30am.c3

The 5K is for ages eight and up and that starts at 8am.c2

Come join us at these events! And, if you can’t make them, be sure to visit our Atlanta flower shops for open houses on Black Friday and Small Business Saturday just after Thanksgiving so you can check out our newest holiday collection of flowers, centerpieces, gift baskets and gifts.

We look forward to having you stop by and getting your holiday flower orders in early!