Voted Best Florist in Atlanta - Carithers Flowers

Carithers Flowers Atlanta

Carithers Flowers Atlanta

Posted by Charles Carithers on May 12, 2010 Uncategorized

Jump Start Your Relationship

Roses Make An Impression

Roses Make An Impression

 Carithers Flowers

Atlanta’s Premier Floral Designer

Voted number one Florist in Atlanta by NBC


Carithers Flowers is slowly winding down from an incredibly busy Mothers Day week. We were proud that so many Atlantan’s decided to utilize our services in order to supply their Mom’s with a big smile last week. In fact, we delivered smiles all over the Atlanta metropolitan area.

Results from the “Favorite Mom’s” contest will be forthcoming very soon. Voting was heavy and we were really excited to see so many people participate in the event.

10 Ways to Jumpstart Your Relationship Today

Going the distance in a long-term relationship can seem daunting, especially in a world where moods change often and the notion of disposable seems to be the norm. If you are training for the marathon of marriage rather than the sprint of a casual relationship, there are a number of ways to stay on track and enjoy each mile marker even more than the last. Here are ten ways to consider jumpstarting your relationship today.

1.      Action and adventure. The best way to get rid of any stale feelings is to try something new together. Plan time to learn a new sport or take a last-minute trip to a far-flung exotic locale. It is the thrill of discovering something new together that can deepen feelings for each other. It can even be something as simple and sexy as something you would like to try in private. Make a list of places or things you would like to try and then compare the lists and start checking them off.

2.      First date do-over. Nostalgia makes the heart grow fonder because it stirs up those powerful first emotions, that fluttering in your stomach, and that rapid heart-beat that screamed attraction and interest in your now mate. Getting back to that moment in time is a perfect way to reignite that first spark.

3.      A pinch of spontaneity. Long-term relationships often end up in a rut. Throw out the routine by doing something outside of your comfort zone. Whether it is hitting the karaoke machine, the dance floor, or the race car track, you will be surprised just how memorable a spontaneous event can be for you and your significant other. It will make you laugh—or maybe even cry (in a good way!)—and realize just how much fun you have together.

4.      Breakfast in bed. What better way to show your spouse that you love them and want them to feel special? The special thought of cooking for someone else and letting them sleep in late sends the message of romance and love with a little extra-added spice thrown in for good measure.

5.      Put it in a letter or a poem. While it may sound cheesy and you may feel a bit uncomfortable expressing your feelings in words on paper, your spouse will be in awe of your efforts to even try. Sending it in the mail or placing it on their pillow before bed will win bonus points for creativity and the surprise factor.

6.      Simple gestures go a long way. Being together for a long time may mean that you forget about how special just simple gestures can be for another person. Send flowers or a gift to your spouse’s office as a “just because” rather than because it is a special occasion. This gesture will be sure to turn heads and have your spouse secretly relishing those envious glances and those “oohs” and “ahhs” from colleagues.

7.      The power of touch. Today’s fast-paced lifestyle can leave each of you stressed and tense, which often interferes in special moments together and means you fall asleep and neglect each other. Instead of creating this unintended distance between each other, consider the power of touch. Learn the art of massage with a video, book or class so that you can help each other relax any time of the day as well as make some amorous magic!

8.      Team effort. Normal, everyday activities don’t have to be dull when they’re done together. When done together, cooking, bathing, reading, and even house chores can be fun, create quality time for good communication, build respect for each other, and ease stress by finishing off the must-do’s so that there is more time for the want-to-do’s.

9.      Go taboo. Research on the reasons people have affairs often has more to do with just the thrill of doing something taboo and the risk that they might be caught. Add this same excitement into your own relationship by planning to meet at a seedy motel for an illicit afternoon or evening but do it with your spouse. It adds some sizzle while staying faithful to each other.

10.  Communicate and share. Not enough can be said about communication and sharing with each other. It may not sound like the most exciting activity but it can go a long way to avoiding disagreements, resentment, and increased distance. Make time to share meals together or take walks. Turn the television off, unplug the phone, and step away from the Internet. Tune into each other and re-connect beyond just talking about your day at work. Share information, swap stories, and discuss opinions to strengthen the bond between you.

And, last but not least, don’t forget to tell each other that you love them and you appreciate them.

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